Broil;ngis cookingfoodby intense
r~diantheat from the upperunit in
theoven. Most fish andtender cuts
ofmeat can be broiled. Follow
~hesestepsto keep spatteringand
smokingto a minimum.
Step 1:If meathas fator gristlenear
edge, cut Verticalslashesthrough
bothabout2“ apart. If desired, fat
maybe trimmed, leavinglayer
about 1/8”thick.
Step 2: Place meat on broiler rack
in broiler pan which comeswith
range. Alwaysuse rack so fat drips
intobroiler pan; otherwisejuices
maybecomehot enoughto catchfire.
shelfpositionas su~ested inBroiling
Guide on oppositepage. Most
broilingisdone on C position, but
ifyour range is connected to 208
volts,you may wish to usehigher
Step 4: Leavedoor ajar a fewinches
(exceptwhen broiling chicken).
The door staysopen by itse[f, yet
[heproper temperatureis maintained
in the oven.
Step 6: Turn foodonlyonceduring
coolcing.Time foodsfor first side
per BroilingGuide.
Turn food, then usetimes givenfor
second side as a guideto preferred
doneness. (Where twothicknesses
and timesare giventogether,use
first times given forthinnestfood.)
Step %Turn OVENSET knob
to OFF. Serve foodimmediately,
and leavepan outsideovento cool
during meal for easiestcleaning.
use of Aluminum Foil
1. If desired, broilerpan maybe
lined with foiland broiler rack may
be coveredwith foilforbroiling.
A~%~A~~ ~~ c~~TA]~ ~ M-~~~
SLITSIN RACK. Broiler racksare
designedto minimizesmokingand
spattering, andtokeepdrippings
cool during broiling.Stoppingfat
and meatjuices fromdrainingto
the broiler pan preventsrack from
serving itspurpose, andjuices may
become hotenoughto catch fire.
2. DO N~ place a sheet of
aluminum foilon shelf. Todo so
may result in improperly cooked
foods, damage to ovenfinish and
increase in heat on outsidesurfaces
of the oven.
3. If desired, a sheetof aluminum
foi~maybe used on floor of the oven
u~tderthebake unit. BE CERTAIN
IJhTIT,All]mi~~~~mfoilused in this
waymay sligl~tlyaffectthebrowning
of some foods. ~Changefoilwhen it
becomes soiled.
Chickenis the only footi
broiling.This is becausechickenis
relativelythickerthnnother foods
youbroil. Closingthe door holds
more heat in the ovenwhichallows
chickento cook evenlythroughout.
Q. when broiling, is it necessary
to always use a rack in the pan?
A..Yes.Using the rack suspends
the meat overthe pan. Asthe meat
cooks, thejuices fallinto the pan,
thus keepingmeatdrier. Juices
are protectedbythe rack and stay
cooler, thuspreventingexcessive
spatter and smoking.
Q. shouldI saltthemeatbefore
A..No. Salt drawsout thejuices
and allowsthem to evaporate.
Alwayssalt after cooking. Turn
meat with tongs;piercing meat
with a fork also allowsjuices to
escape. When broiling poultry
or fish, brush each side often
with butter.
my ~~~~Y~~~h~ott~~ti~g
brown as they should?
In some areas, the power
(voltage)to the rangemaybe low.
In these cases, preheat the broil
unit for 10minutesbefore placing
broiler pan with food in oven.
Check to see if you are using the
recommended shelf position. Broil
for longestperiod o~time indicated
in the Broiling Guide. Turn food
only once dt~ringbroiling.
Q. Do I need to grease mlybroi!e;f
~~~kto P~~YentEH@tfh”o~~ti~i<ing?
A. No. The broiler rack is designed
to reflect broiler l~eat,tl]t~skeeping
the surface cool enough to prevent