The built-in ventilation system removes cooking vapors, odors and smoke from foods
prepared on your cooktop.
Regular use ofthis system willinsure amore comfortable and less humid kitchenwhich
isfree of heavycookingodors and fumes thatnormallycreate afrequentneed forcleaning
and redecorating.
I The fan control is 1coatedat the front of the control panel To .,_
operate turn the fan control knob clockwise, The variable
speed fan can be operated in an infinite number of settings
to match your cooking needs.
• Besides using the ventilation system to remove cooking vapors and fumes, it can
be usedto cool baked pies,cakes or hot pans. Tocool an item,set iton the air grille
andturn onthe fan. The air being pulled over the item willquickly cool it. Be careful
not to cover the entire air grille.
• The fan can be used to remove strong odors from the kitchen as when chopping
onions near the fan.
Air Grille: The air grille liits offeasily. Wipe cleanorwash in dishwasher orsink with mild
household detergents. To prevent scratching the surface do net use abrasive cleaners
or scrubbing pads.
Filter: Turn offventilation eystembefore removing.
The filteris apermanent typeandshould becleaned
when soiled. Clean in sink with warm water and
detergent or in dishwasher.
OUT FILTER. Fittershould always be placed at an
angle. As you face the front of the cooktop, the
bottom of the filter should rest on the ledge on the
left side. The top of the filtershould rest againstthe
right side. There are also ledges on the front and
rear sides for the filter to rest. (Note: if filter is fiat
against the fan wall, ventilation effectiveness is
Ventilation Chamber: This area, which housesthe filter, should becleaned inthe event
of spills orwhenever it becomescoatedwith afilm ofgrease. It canbecleaned with paper
towel, dampcloth, or sponge and mild household detergent or c(eanser.