maymelt or softenif left too closeto a appliance.Childrenclimbingonthe appli- Use dry, sturdy potholders.Damppot-
lightedsurfaceburner, anceto reachitems could be seriously holders may causeburns from steam.
To eliminatethe hazardof reachingover injured. Dishtowelsor other substitutesshould
hotsurfaceburners,cabinetstorageshould neverbeusedaspotholdersbecausethey
cantrail acrosshot surfaceburnersand
not be provided directly above a unit. If ABOUT YOUR igniteor get caughton applianceparts.
storage isprovided,it shouldbe limitedto
itemswhichareusedinfrequentlyandwhich APPLIANCE Always let quantities of hot fat used for
are safelystored in an area subjected to NEVERuseapplianceas aspaceheater to deep fat fryingcool before attempting to
heatfromanappliance.Temperatures may heat or warm a room to prevent potential move or handle.
be unsafefor some items,such as volatile hazard to the user and damage to the Do not let cookinggrease or other flare-
liquids,cleanersor aerosol sprays, appliance.Also,do not use the cooktop as mablematerialsaccumulateinor near the
Afaintgasodor mayindicateagasleak.Ifa astorage areaforfood or cookingutensils, cooktop.Cleanfrequentlytopreventgrease
gas odor isdetected, shut offgassupplyto Do not obstruct the flow of combustion fromaccumulating.
thecooktop. Callyour installeror localgas and ventilationair by blockingthe air in- NEVER wear garments made of flam-
companytohavethe possibleleakchecked, takes. Restrictionofair flowto the burner mable material or loose fittingor long-
Never use a match or other flame to preventsproperperformanceandincreases sleeved apparel while cooking. Clothing
locate agas leak. carbonmonoxideemissionto unsafelevels, mayigniteor catchutensilhandles.
Potentiallyhot surfacesincludecooktop Do not usealuminumfoil to line burner
IN CASE OF FIRE andareas facingthe cooktop, basin.Restriction of normal air flow may
result inunsafeoperation.
Turn offapplianceandventilatinghood to
avo)dspreadingthe flame.Extinguishflame COOKING SAFETY
thenturn on hoodto removesmokeand
Alwaysplacea panon a surfaceburner UTENSIL SAFETY
odor. beforeturning it on. Be sureyou know Usepanswithflatbottomsandhandlesthai
• Smotherfire or flamein apanwith a lid whichknobcontrolswhichsurfaceburner, areeasilygraspedandstaycool.Avoidusing
or cookiesheet. Makesurethecorrectburneristurnedon unstable,warped,easilytippedor loose.
NEVERpickupor moveaflamingpan. andthat the burner hasignited.When handledpans.Alsoavoidusingpans,espe.
cookingiscompleted,turn burneroff be- ciallysmallpans,withheavyhandlesasthe)
Do not usewater on greasefires. Use foreremovingpanto preventexposureto couldbeunstableandeasilytip. Pansthai
bakingsoda,adry chemicalor foam-type burnerflame,
extinguisherto smotherfireor flame, areheavyto movewhenfilledwith foot
Alwaysadjustsurfaceburnerflamesothat mayalsobehazardous.
it doesnotextendbeyondthebottomedge Besureutensilislargeenoughto properl
CHILD SAFETY ofthe pan.Anexcessiveflameishazardous, containfood andavoidboilovers.Pansizei
NEVERleavechildrenaloneor unsuper- wastesenergyandmaydamagethe appli- particularlyimportantindeepfatfrying.B
visedneartheappliancewhenit isinuseor ance,panor cabinetsabovethe appliance, surepanwill accommodatethevolumec
is stillhot. NEVERleavea surfacecookingoperation foodthatisto beaddedasweliasthebubbl
NEVERallowchildrento sit or standon unattendedespeciallywhen usinga high actionof fat.
anypart oftheapplianceastheycouldbe heat setting or when deep fat frying. To minimizeburns,ignitionof flammab
iniuredor burned. Boilovers causesmoking and greasy materialsandspillagedueto unintention
spilloversmayignite.Cleanupgreasyspills contact with the utensil,do not exter
Childrenmustbetaughtthattheappliance assoonaspossible.Donotusehighheatfor handlesoveradjacentsurfaceburners.A
andutensilsonitcanbehot.Lethotutensils extendedcookingoperations, waysturn panhandlestowardthe sidec
cool in a safeplace,out of reachof small
children.Childrenshouldbetaughtthatan NEVER heatan unopenedcontaineron backoftheappliance,notoutintotherool
applianceisnot atoy.Childrenshouldnot the surfaceburner.Pressurebuild-upmay wheretheyareeasilyhitor reachedbysm
beallowedto playwith controlsor other causecontainerto burstresultingin seri- children.
partsoftheunit. ouspersonalinjuryor damageto theappli- Neverletapanboildryasthiscoulddama
ance. the utensilandthe appliance.
CAUTION: NEVER store itemsof in-
terest to childrenin cabinetsabovean