• SHOULD EXCESS GREASE • When bastingmeats or applyingsauces CARE AND CLEANING OF THt
CAUSE SUSTAINED FLARE- to foods,rememberthat excessive
UPS: amounts accumulateinside your grill VENTILATION SYSTEM
I. Turn on thefanmanually, anddo not improvethefoodflavor. • Air Grille: Theair grilleliftsoff easily
2. Immediatelyturn grillcontrolsto Applysaucesduringthe last 15to 20 Wipecleanorwashindishwasherorsinl
minutesof cookingtime unlessrecipe withmildhouseholddetergents.To pre
Off. specifiesotherwise. Plus,anytimea ventscratchingthe surface,do not us_
3. Removemeatfromgrill, sugar-basedmarinade(forexamplebar- abrasivecleanersor scrubbingpads.
becuesauce)is goingto be used,the
IMPORTANT gratesshouldbe "seasoned"prior to • Filter: Turn off ventilationsystembe
• Do not usealuminumfoil insidethe preheating.(SeeUsingtheGrillsection.) fore removing.Thefilter isapermanen
grillarea. • Thereare manymeatmarinadeswhich Cleaninsinkwithwarmwateranddeter
• Donot usecharcoalor woodchipsin willhelptenderizelessexpensivecutsof gentor indishwasher.
thegrillarea. meatfor cookingon thegrill.
• Donot allowburnerbasinto become • Certainfoods,suchaspoultryandnon-
overloadedwith grease.Cleanfre- oilyfish,mayneedsomeextrafat.Brush
quently, with oil or meltedbutter occasionally
• Do not cover grates whilegrilling.
completelywithmeat._ • Usetongswithlonghandlesor spatulas
Leaveair spacebe-//t_/11 for turningmeats.Do not useforksas
tween eachsteak,//_/ll thesepiercethemeat,allowingjuicesto IMPORTANT:DONOTOPERATESYS
etc. to allow //_/J[ belost. TEMWITHOUTFILTER.Filtershouldal
proper ventila- //_l_-_j_l/I _ waysbeplacedat anangle.Asyoufac,
tion aswell as //t_/ll I I thefront of the cooktop,thetop of th,
preventflare- ['""_"'I I VENTILATION SYSTEM I filter shouldrestagainstthe left sidec
the vent opening.The bottom shoul,
rest againstthe right sideof the ven
The built-inventilationsystemremoves chamberat thebottom. (Note: Iffllte
GRILLING TIPS cookingvapors,odors andsmokefrom isflat againstthe fanwall, ventilatioJ
foodspreparedon your cooktopandgrill, effectivenessisreduced.)
• Besuretofollowdirectionsforusingthe
ventilationsys- IIIllllll housesthefilter,shouldbecleanedinth
• Suggestedcookingtimes and control
tem manually, eventof spillsor wheneverit become
settings(seeGrillguide,pg.8) areap- pushthe vent Lo(_., coatedwith a film of grease.It canb
proximateduetovariationsinthefoods, fan switch Io- x cleanedwithpapertowel,dampcloth,o
• For best results,buy top grademeat. catedinfrontoftheair spongeandmildhouseholddetergentc
Meatthat is at least3/4inchwill grill grille.Pushto the rightfor high,pushto cleanser.
betterthanthinnercuts. theleftforlow andto thecenterto turn
• Scorefat on edgesof steak,but do not thefanoff.
cut into meat,to preventcurlingwhile • Theventilationsystemwill operateau-
cooking, tomatlcally onHiwhenthegrillburner
is inuse.
• For the attractive"branded"look on
steaks,besuregrillispreheated.Allow • Thefan canbe usedto removestrong
one sideof meat to cook to desired odorsfrom the kitchenaswhenchop-
doneness,or untiljuicesappearonthe pingonionsnearthefan.
foodcauseslossof juices.