Care and Cleaning
4. When the cleaning time has been completed, the indicator If you want the stop time to be 1:00, press the number pads
word CLEAN will turn oft. The indicator word LOCK will "1,0,0". Four seconds later the display will show 1:00 and
remain on until the oven has cooled. When the oven has the indicator word DELAY.
cooled, the indicator word LOCK will turn off and the door
will automatically unlock.
6. When the oven begins to clean, the clean icon (top and
bottom bars) will come on. The indicator word DELAY
Automaticlockisstillengaged, will go off.
LOCKis no longer displayed. 7. When the clean time has been completed, the indicator
word CLEAN will turn off. The indicator word LOCK will
After Self-Cleaning remain on until the oven has cooled. When the oven has
cooled, the indicator word LOCK willturn offand the door
will automatically unlock.
About one hour after the end of the clean cycle, the lock
will disengage and the LOCK indicator word will turn off
At this point, the door can be opened. TO Cancel Self-Clean
Some soil may leave a light gray, powdery ash which can be
removed with a damp cloth. If soil remains, it indicates that 1. Press the Stop/Clear pad. The door will be locked while
the clean cycle was not long enough. The soil will be re- the LOCK indicator word remains in the display.
moved during the next clean cycle. Depending on the length of time the oven had been
If the oven racks were left in the oven and do not slide cleaning, it may take up to an hour for the oven to cool
smoothly after a clean cycle, wipe racks and embossed rack down. When the oven is cool, the door will automatically
supports with a small amount of vegetable oil to restore ease unlock and it can be opened.
of movement.
A white discoloration may appear after cleaning if acid or
sugary foods were not wiped up before the clean cycle. This
discoloration is normal and will NOT affect performance.
To Delay the Start of a Clean Cycle
1-3. Follow steps I-3 on page 15.
4. Press the Stop Time pad. Indicator words STOP TIME
will flash in the display and the calculated stop time will
also appear in the display.
5. Press the appropriate number pads to enter the stop time s0me Smoke
you desire. (A stop time can only be accepted for later in
the day.)
Example: If at 9:00 you set the oven to clean for three
hours, the calculated stop time would be "12:00". The
display will show: