Jenn-Air JRSDE249 Refrigerator User Manual

fFreezer Baskets (JRSD279) t '
Your refrigeratorhasthreefreezer baskets,oneshallow, i,'
one Pizza and one deep. Each slides out for more
convenientaccesstothe frozenfood.The Pizzabasketis /
designedwitha lowerrightsidefor easystorageoffrozen
pizzas. All baskets can be removedfor cleaning. In
addition,theshallowand Pizza basketscan be adjusted
up or downto accommodatevarioussizedpackages.
and pulluntilitstopsagain,thenlift itup andoverthefronttabs.
To replacethe basket,reversetheabove procedure.To adjustthe shallowand
wires inthe trackand replaceit.
IAutomatic Ice Maker (Select Models)l
The water inlettubingassemblyrequiredtocompletethewaterconnectiontothe
valve is locatedinthecrisperdrawerin a bag. Connectthe icemakerto thewater.,
as instructed in the separate instructions, furnished with the refrigerator.
The automatic ice maker is designed to furnish a continual supply of ice cubes
amount of ice produced depends on the temperature in the freezer section o
refrigerator. The colder thefreezer section, the moreice isproduced. We sugge
start withyourrefrigerator and freezercontrols attheir mid settings. Inmostcase
is satisfactory. If the door to the refrigerator or freezer is opened frequer
temperatures in the kitchen are abnormally high, a colder setting may be nece_
After your model has been installed and the water supply connectedto the ice n
it may take 8 to 12 hours beforethe ice maker furnishesany usableice cubes. Th,
one or two harvests will probably contain undersized and irregular cubes becau
air inthe supply line. The initial harvestmay also contain impuritiesfrom the new
supply piping. Therefore, all cubes from the first two or three harvests shou
Under certain rare circumstances, icecubes may be disco[ored,usually egpearin(.
a green-bluish hue. Thecause of this unusualdiscolorationisapparently a combir
of factors such as certain characteristics of local waters, household plumbing an
accumulation of coppersalts in an inactive water supply line which feeds the icem
Continued consumption of such discolored icecubes may be injurious tohealth. If
discoloration is observed, discard the ice cubes and contactthe dealer from whol
ice maker or refrigerator was purchased.
Ice cubes that have been in the ice storage for a considerable length of time ma_
up off-flavor taste, sticktogether,and gradually becomesmaller. We suggestthat I
cubes be thrown away. We also suggest using an open box of baking soda i
refrigerator for food odor absorption.