Jenn-Air JRSDE249 Refrigerator User Manual

Certain sounds may accompany thevarious cycles ofthe ice maker. Examplesare: (1)
the motor may havea slighthum, (2)thecubeswillrattle asthey fallintoan emptystorage
bin, and (3) the water valve may click or "buzz" occasionally. All of these sounds are
normal and should be ignored.
Note: When dispensing icecubes, it is important that you use onlythe ice supplied by
thisicemaker. Icefromanyothersourcecouldcauseanicejam. Ifthis happens,remove
and discard all ice from the storage bin and any ice lodged in the ice chute.
I Starting or Stopping Your Ice Maker I *UTOM,T,C
Your automatic icemaker is located near the topof / SENSOR
1| ARM
the freezer compartment behind the Ice Access
tl /
Panel. To gain accessto the ice making mecha- |_,.,_,_ _,_LOF F
nism, lift the Ice Access Panel.
The ice maker has a wire sensor arm that is con-
nected to a shut-off switch. This arm stops the
mechanism when the ice cube storage bin is full,
and restarts itafter several ice cubes havebeen used. You canuse thestop armto stop
allproduction of iceat anytime. All you needto do israisethe armintotheOFF position.
The ice maker should be turned off (arm up) when:
1. icestorage bin is tobe removedfor extendedperiodof time.
2. Refrigeratorisnot tobe usedfor aconsiderabletime,suchasvacations.Also,turn
offthe water supplyto the icemaker in thisinstance,if practical.
3. Water supplyis tobe shut-offfor several hours.
I How the Ice Maker Works I
Water fillsthe empty cube mold (Fig.1)when the TUBE
freezer compartmenthas cooledto freezingtem-
perature.Coldairisforceddirectlyoverthe mold.
When frozen, the cubes are rotated up and out of iCE
the mold (Fig. 2). The sweeper arm ejects them F_. Ij/ jJ-,,_----IcE
into the ice storage bin below. '2 BIN
Thesensor arm(Fig. 3) senseswhenthe bin isfull
and signals the ice maker to stop ejecting more
cubes. _
However,the moldhasbeenrefilledand cubes
frozen sothenewsupplyis readywhen needed. I_
As soon as ice is removed from the bin, the
sensor arm signals that more is needed. The
and-waiting frozen cubes, __POSlTION