Jenn-Air M170 Microwave Oven User Manual

Use the defrost setting to defrost meats, poultry and seafood from .5 poundsto 6.5
pounds. The Defrost Pad can be used forWeight Defrost or Time Defrost.
Touch the Defrost Pad once for defrosting byweight.
Touch the Defrost Pad twice for defrostingby time.
The oven automaticallysets the defrostingtime and power levels.
* Enterthe weight in poundsand tenths of a pound.
IMPORTANT: Duringdefrosting,theovenwillbeepa seriesof short beepstosignalthat
thefood needsto be turned or rearranged. Oven will continueoperatingif food is not
turnedor rearranged. Three beeps signalthe end or defrosting.
Conversion Chart