1. Piece oven rackon the rack positionsuggested inthechart. (See p. 25,)
Distancefrombroilingelementdependsonfoodsbeingprepared. Rack position
4o (offsetreckin position#4) isusuallyrecommendedunlessotherwisestated.
2. Touch Broil Pad.*
IndicatorWord BROILwill flash and Displaywillshowthreedashes.
Note: If more than fifteensecondselapses between touching Broil Pad and
touchingUp or DownArrow Pad(s), the ovenisnotsetand Displaywill returnto
NOTE* -ModelWW27110 andWW27210 LowerOven- Steps2 &3- TurnSelectKnob
to BROL settng andTemp Knobto 550°F,
3. TouchUp or Down Arrow Pad(s).*
The firsttouchof an Arrow Pad will enter "HI" inthe Display.The ovenhas a
variablebroilfeaturewhichmeansthata lowertemperaturecanbeselected. Touch
Down Arrow Pad if a lowertemperatureisdesired.
Use"HI" broilformostbroiloperetions.Use variablebroilfordelicateandlong-term
Foursecondsafter entedng "HI" or enteringa temperature,the broilelementwill
comeon andthe IndicatorWordsBROILand ON will remaininthe Displayalong
withtheselectedBroiltemperature, If thevariablebroilfeaturewas selected,the
IndicatorWord ON willcyclewiththe element.
Example: Ifat 10 o'clockyou setthe ovenfor broil("HI"), theDispleywill show:
I /0:00 .L
4. Placefood on broilerpan providedwithoven. Broilelementwillpreheatin2 to3
minutes. After broilelement is red, placefood in oven. Ov_endoqr MUST b_ left
0p_en_t brqil stopoosition.
5. TouchCancel Off Pad toturnoffovenwhen foodiscooked.