Jenn-Air WM27430P Oven User Manual

Use the Convect Roast Pad for best results.
Preheatingthe oven is not necessary.
Follow package recommendationsfor oven temperature,foil covering and use of
cookiesheets. Cooking times will besimilar. Seechartbelowfor someexceptions
and examples.
Centerfoods in the oven. If morethan onefood itemis beingcookedor if foods are
being cooked on multiple racks,stagger foods for proper air circulation.
Mostfoods are cooked on rack position#3o.
For multiple rack cooking, use racks #1, 3o and 4. However, pizzas should be
placed on cookie sheets and cooked on rack position#20, 3 and 4.
Here are a few examples of times and temperatures
Temp.° F _linutes***
ii ii_iii i'i _ i_ ! _ ii_ :_ _ii _
* An "o" after a rack number implies that the offset rackshould be used.
** Conventional bake uses the Bake Pad.
*** The times given are based on specific brandsof mixes or recipes tested.
Actual times will depend on the ones you cook.
Note: Convectroastingtimeswillbesimilartotheconventionaltimes becausethe oven
is not preheated. The time savings comes from not having to preheatthe oven.