Jenn-Air WM27430P Oven User Manual

I Theoven rackscanbecleanedinthe oven. However,the ovenrackswilldiscolor,
loseshininess,andbecomedifficulttoslidein and outif leftin the ovenduringthe
WILLBEOBJECTIONABLE.As a suggestion,do notleavethe racksinthe oven
duringthe self-cleaningprocessif they donot needtobe cleanedsincethey will
discolortoa dullsilver afteronecleaning.Moderatelysoiledrackscanbe cleaned
witha soapyS,O,S. pador Scotch-Britescour-pad. Stubbornstainsneedto be
removedintheself-cleaningprocess.Besuretoreadspecialtipsonpage32 ifoven
racksarecleanedduringthe self-cleaningprocess.
Steps to Follow for Self-Cleaning Process
*Omit steps4 you wishcleaningtobeginimmediately.
To set ovento start cleaning immediately
1. Closetheovendoor.
2. TouchCleanPad ofovento be cleaned.
IndicatorWordsClean Time willflashandDisplaywill show" HR : __ __".
NoteWW30430Owners;Theappropriateletter(U-upperoven;L-loweroven) and
OVEN will alsoflash.
3. Touch the appropriate numberpad(s)•
The first numberpad touchedwill enter "3:00"in the Displayfor an average soiled
oven. The cleaningtimecan bevaried dependingonthe amountof soil. Set "2:00"
for light soil or "4:00" for heavy soil.
Note; If more than fifteen secondselapsesbetween touching a Clean Pad and
touching a numberpad,the ovenis notset andtime of day willautomaticallyreturn
to the Display.
Example:Ifat9o'clock youselectedtoself-cleanyour ovenfor 3 hours,the Display
will show:
Fifteensecondsafter entering"3:00"orfoursecondsafterenteringa differenttime,
theovendoorwillstarttoautomaticallylatchand thecoolingfanwillcomeon. The
LOCKIndicatorWordwillcomeon whenthe door is latched.
Note: If oven door was left open, "door"will flash in Displayand a signal will
continuouslybeepuntilthe dooris closedandthe Clean Pad istouched.
TheIndicatorWordON comesonwhenthe dooris latchedandwillremainuntilthe
cleantemperatureis reached.The IndicatorWordON willcyclewiththeelements
to maintainthe clean temperature. 29