Jenn-Air WM27430P Oven User Manual

Fifteen secondslater,the Displaywill return tocurrenttimeofdayand the Indicator
Word TIMED will appear in the Display.
8. Touch Stop Time Pad.
Indicator Words STOP TIME will flash. Displaywill show the calculated stop time
based on current time of day and cook time.
Note" Probe settemperature willcontrolthe actualbake time. Probetemperature,
not stop time, will turn oven off when food is done. Stop time is programmed for
the purpose of computing start time.
9. Touch the appropriate number pads to enter stop time.
A stoptime can only beaccepted forlater in the day. If an unacceptablestoptime
is entered, "Err" wi(I flash briefly in the Display and then Display will return to
previous acceptable Stop Time.
Example: If at 10 o'clock you set the oven for a probe temperature, for 325°
convection roastingand 2 hours and 30 minutescooking time, thecalculatedstop
time would be "12:30". The Display would show:
Iz-3oL,s ]
If you want the stop time to be 1 o'clock, touch the number pads "1,0,0". After
five seconds,the Displaywill brieflydisplaythe starttime. Thus, the Displaywould
!g:39Log }
After five seconds,the Display will return to current time of day, thus showing:
I 0:00 1_9s l
When selectedtemperature has been reached,theoven will shut off and a chime
will sound four times. Plus, the actual probe temperature will flash and the word
"End" will be in the Display. These words will remain in the Display and a chime
will sound every minute for ten minutes or until the Cancel Off Pad istouched. If
the probe is not removed, a beep will sound continuously until the probe is
I , PO.TA.T 1
To recall e selected temperature ot time: Touch the appropriate function pad./
To change oven temperature set: Touch appropriate pad and touch thej
appropriate number pads to enter new desired temperature. /
if more than five seconds elapse betweentouching a function pad and touching)
a number pad, the on-going program returns to the Display. /