• Tender cuts of meat and poultry can be roasted to a rich golden brown in the
convectionoven. Followgeneralrecommendationsfor roastingand use Convect
• Refer to convection meat roastingchart for recommended cooking temperature
and time. The chart can serve as a guide to help plan meal servingtime.
• Minutes per pound will vary according to the size, shape, quality, and initial
temperatureof meatas well asthe electricalvoltagein your area. Timesare based
on refrigeratorcold meat.
• A large cut of meat will usually requirefewer minutes per pound to roast than a
smaller cut of meat.
• Donot use a roasting pan with high sides; use pan provided with oven.
• Donot cover meat. Allow the circulatinghot air to surroundthe meat and seal in
the juices.
• Since the breast meat on a large turkey cooks more quicklythan the thigh area,
place a"foilcap"over the breastareaafterdesiredbrownnessisreachedtoprevent
overbrowning. (See above.)
• A stuffedturkey will requirean extra 30to 60 minutes dependingon size. Stuffing
should reach an internal temperature of 165°F.
ConvectRoasting:Frozento Finish
Meats (exceptpoultry)maybe roastedfrozen to finish, Followthese guidelinesfor the
most satisfactoryresults.
• Use temperaturesfor roastingfresh meats as recommendedby most cookbooks,
Generally, most meats are roasted at 325°F. For best results do not use
temperaturesbelow 300°F.
• Usetimesfor roastingfreshmeats giveninyour favoritecookbooksasapproximate
guidesfor roasting frozenmeats. Roastingtimes willvary due to factors such as
coldnessof meat,size,quality, orcut. In general, roastingtimes forfrozento finish
in the convection oven will be approximately the same as fresh to finish in a
conventional bakeoven.
• Theguidelines givenfor roastingfresh meats in the convectionoven also applyto
roastingfrozen meats.
• Insertmeat thermometeror probe midway during the cooking process.