Quick And Easy
Chocolate Pudding
Serves 6-8
125g butter
1/3 cup castor sugar
3 x 60g eggs, lightly beaten
½ cup/75g plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
125g cooking chocolate, melted
1. Cream butter and sugar until light
and creamy. Add eggs one at a time,
beating well after each addition.
2. Combine flour and baking powder then
stir into creamed mixture. Stir in melted
chocolate and mix until well combined.
3. Lightly grease and bake paper-line
the rice/sauce cooking bowl. Cut
a piece of bake paper to fit the top
shape of the rice/sauce cooking
bowl. Cut a piece of foil to fit the top
shape of the rice/sauce cooking bowl
to extend 3cm over the edge.
4. Spoon pudding mixture into the
prepared rice/sauce cooking bowl,
cover with the piece of bake paper
then the piece of foil. Gather the
edge of the foil and press towards the
outer edge of the bowl to form a seal.
5. Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert
the liquid collection container then
place a steamer basket on top.
6. Carefully insert the rice/sauce
cooking bowl into the steamer basket
and cover with lid.
7. Turn the timer dial to 1 hour. Adjust
for shorter or longer cooking time as
required. Add extra water to the water
reservoir if required.
8. When pudding is cooked, carefully
remove the rice/sauce cooking
bowl and allow pudding to stand for
5-10 minutes, then turn out onto a
serving plate.
9. Serve pudding hot or cold with
custard or ice cream.
KFS300_IB_FA.indd 25 11/02/10 11:14 AM