Kenmore 596.50019100 Refrigerator User Manual

gta_of Cii%mia
Dep_nt ofHealthServices
Water Treatment Device
Certificate Number
Date I_d: Sep_era%er21, 2001
Da_ Re,_.d Mami_ 20, 2002
Trade-narldModel D_ion_ion P-c431ac_m¢=qtEt_meats _Rated Oapadty
W_50-7"/1500 . .:WF_ 500gal
WFfo-IqI300 ,3VFX);_ " -300_al
WFS0-K_h:_0 :-.:....-- :: .46_005 - . 500gal
WFFO-KNI_O0 ""......... " : 45900S. . - ,.... _Ogal
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Manufacturer: .Pez_r_:XmL_cor#omted :..,
Micwbiol_ica Oo6ta:mi_an{sandTurbidity
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Ratad S_vice Ftc_e: 0.15