Tools and Materials Required
• Hammer,Pliers,Tapemeasure
• #8x1/2”sheetmetalscrewstosecureduct
• 3-1/4”x10”duct,lengthaccordingtoyourinstallation
• 3-1/4”x10”elbowsandadapter,peryourinstallation
• Roofcaporwallventhood
• Caulkingorsiliconetosealinstallation
• Slotscrewdriver,Electricdrill,3/32drillbit
The above parts are standard and are available from a
hardware store or heating contractor.
Installation of Ducting Horizontally
Through an Outside Wall
Standard 3-1/4” x 10” ducting, elbows, and adapters for
mounting the duct to the range can be purchased at most
plumbing or heating supply dealers.
If you can’t find an adapter elbow that will attach to the
exhaust outlet of the range, you can easily make one by
bending the one inch flanges of a standard elbow out
ninety degrees. Put a bead of silicone seal on the flanges
and attach the adapter to the back of the range with four
1/2” x #8 sheet metal screws.
Cut a 3-3/8” x 10-1/4” hole through the wall directly
behind the warming cabinet outlet, ensuring that no studs
are cut in the process. See figure 3. Push the range into
position. From the outside of the house, measure the
distance from the outside of the siding to the cabinet range
outlet. Cut duct pipe to that length.
Attach the vent hood to the duct pipe. Caulk the back
of the vent hood and around the pipe where it will be
pushed into the wall. Insert the vent assembly through the
wall and into the range adapter so that the caulking seals
completely against the siding.
Install the mesh filter into the warming cabinet. Do not
install charcoal filter.
Installation of Ducting Through an Attic or
Basement Space to an Outside Wall
The range may be positioned flush with the back wall
if the vent elbow and pipe are embedded in the wall. If
ducting through the ceiling, continue the vent through
the ceiling into the attic. Terminate the vent either on an
outside wall, below the soffit using a vent hood or through
the roof with a roof cap. If ducting through the basement,
continue the vent through the floor to a point at least 36”
above the grade level. Terminate the vent through the
outside wall using a vent hood. Install the mesh filter into
the warming cabinet. Do not install charcoal filter. If you
are venting more than 10 feet or have more than one 90°
elbow, we strongly recommend the 1518 inline blower.
NOTE TO INSTALLER: Leave these instructions with
the appliance
NOTE TO CONSUMER: Retain these instructions for
future reference.
Surface Elements
Control knobs must be
pushed in before turning
them to a setting. They can
be set anywhere between
MAX and MIN.
The controls for the surface
elements provide infinite
heat settings. The numbers
on the dial serve as a reference. The control can be turned
to any setting to provide the exact heat required.
Before using your glass cooktop for the first time: turn
the elements on MAX without a pan for 5 to 8 minutes
or until smoking stops. This smoking is normal and
non toxic.
Setting Recommended Use
MAX •Tostartfoodscooking
8 - 7 •Toholdarapidboil
6 - 5 •Tofryfoods
4 •Forgravy,puddingandicing
3 - 2 •Tokeepfoodcookingafterstarting
it on a higher setting
1 •Tokeepfoodswarmuntilready
to serve
High Speed Radiant - Electric Top Burners
Consists of a set of special RADIANT HEATER coils
embedded in thermal insulation. The element is designed
for fast heat response. You can see it light up almost
Each element is fitted with a thermal limiter to ensure
the ceramic glass does not exceed the maximum SAFE
operating temperature. You may notice the element going
on and off a number of times during use. This is a normal
To maximize the efficiency of this type of element we
suggest you use it similarly to your previous burner. Turn to
maximum until the desired temperature is reached, then turn
it down to the setting that best maintains the desired heat.
Model STE – Smoothtop Control
Turning burners on
the correct setting is achieved.
the burner, touch ON then the arrow down. Scroll up to the
desired setting.