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Connectdrainhoseto anair gaporwasteteeusingoneof the
Recommended Connection Methods
Install Air GapKit(Part No. 300096) (A) according to kit
instructions. If a different air gap is used, it should be checked to
make sure it allows for the same air flow.
Drain hose (B) to air gap (A) to waste tee (C)
Cutdrain cod ofdrainhose asshown(D). Do Notcut ribbed
sectionto shortendrainhose (E).
Securedrainhose toairgapwithspring-typeclamp(F). If
spring-typeclampdoesnotfit smallersectionofdrainhose
connector,usea smallerclamp. Smallerclampsareavailableat
Connectthe airgap towastetee usinga rubberconnector(G)*
andspring-orscrew-typodamps (H).
The waste tee connection MUSTbe ahead of the drain
trap (I) and 20 inches (50.8om) minimum above the
floor O).
Drain hose (K) to air gap (L) to disposer (M)
Knock out disposer inlet plug (N) from inlet. Ifinletplug
connectingdrainhose. Ifdisposeris alreadyinstalledin sink,
youmayneedto removedisposerfromsinkto removeplug.
Securedrainhosetoair gapwithspring-typeclamp(0).
Connectthe airgapto disposer usinga rubberconnector (P)*
The disposer connection MUSTbe ahead of the drain
trap (It) and 20 inches (50.8cm) minimumabove the
floor (S).
* Allparts are available from your dealer.