• The hot water line to the dishwasher must provide between 20-125
psi (138-862 kPa) water pressure.
• The hot water heater should be set to deliver 120°F (49°C)
minimum water temperatureto the dishwasher for best results.
• A3/8" minimum O.D. copper tubing inlet line is recommended.
• Dishwasher inlet valvehas 3/8" N.P.T. internal pipe threads.
• Allsolder connections must be made before water line is connected
to dishwasher inlet valve. Do Not solder within 6 inches (15.2cm)
of inletvalve.
The drainhosesuppliedmeetsAHAMDW-iteststandards.
• Thedrainhose musthavea highdrain loop,20 inches (50.8cm)
abovefloor.Thiswillhelp topreventbackflowor watersiphoning
• An'airgap mustbeusedin thehigh drainloop ffthedrain hoseis
connectedtohouse plumbinglowerthan20inches(50.8cm).
• Thewasteteeor disposerinletmust be20 inches(50.8cm)
minimumabovethe floor.
• Drain hose must be installed towasto tee or inlet above drain trapin
house plumbing.
• Drain line and fittingsmust be 1/2" minimum I.D.
• ff a longer drain hose is required, the _um length is 12 feet
(3.7m). Check thatdrain hose is resistant to heat and detergent.