LG Electronics K3F-FUEA Waffle Iron User Manual

3. General specifications
3.2.3 Fnet Computer interface module structure : G0L-FUEA
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LED indicating section
No.1 POWER Indicates whether power is being supplied to
communication module
No.2 RUN Indicates the status of CPU module and interface
No.3 LAS Indicates that communication module is performing
LAS function.
No.4 TOKEN Indicates whether communication module has token
or not.
No.5 Tx/Rx Indicates whether communication module is
transmitting/receiving or not.
No.6 FAULT Flickers when the error that normal operation is not
possible occurred in communication module
Station number setting switch
Sets station number in the range of 0~63 station(Set in decimal).
Mode setting switch
Sets operation mode of communication module
Reset switch
A switch to initialize communication module
Communication connector
Connector for electric cable connection to connect communication
03E0 FC00
13C0 F800
23A0 F400
3 380 F000
4 360 EC00
5 340 E800
6 320 E400
7 300 E000
8 2E0 DC00
9 2C0 D800
A 2A0 D400
B 280 D000
C 260 CC00
D 240 C800
E 220 C400
F 200 C000
1. For mode setting switch, see 3.2.6 Fnet mode setting.
2. Port is set to No.5(340) and address is set to No.9(D800) by factory default.
3. This should be set in order not to be duplicated with other device area of computer previously used, and
add DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=D800-D8FF(if address has been set to
No.9(D800)) in CONFIG.SYS to use set area for not continuous or extended area of computer but this