The fewer the grapes produced in an area, the better the wine
Poor, well-drained soils are best for good wines. The properties of the soil influence the
vitality of the vine, which in turn affects the quality of the grape. Climate is another factor
that is important for wine. Light and air humidity are important for the development of the
flavor of the wine.
The right environment for your wines
A vine is an extremely sensitive plant. From the time it is planted to its maturing period
and the time the grapes are harvested and the wine is made, it is dependent on three
factors: light, air humidity and ambient temperature. This sensitivity continues even after
the wine is bottled. To allow the flavor of the wine to fully develop or to preserve the
excellent aroma, the wine has to be stored perfectly. Your wine cooler offers the best con-
ditions for this.
Additional benefits
• CFC-free
• Energy-optimizedrefrigerantcircuit
• Energy-efficientinsulation
• Lowenergyconsumption
• User-friendlyelectroniccontrols
• Activefunctionindicators
• Temperaturecanbecontrolledwithinclimateratingrange
regardless of room temperature
• Largecapacity
• Variableandpracticalfeatures
• Audibledooropenalarm
• Easytoclean
• Doorhingescanbechangedover
Thank you for your trust
Congratulations on your purchase of this wine cooler. In buying this product, which is
distinguished by its perfect user-friendliness, impeccable reliability and high quality, you
have chosen a top-of-the-line appliance. We wish you a lot of pleasure with your new
wine cooler - and a lot of enjoyment from your wines.
The features on your appliance have been designed to ensure maximum convenience -
day in, day out.
This appliance has been manufactured with recyclable materials using an environmen-
tally friendly process, so together we’re making an active contribution to the preservation
of our environment.
Please read the information in the operating instructions carefully to become familiar with
all the benefits of your new appliance.
We know you will be pleased with your new appliance.