Suitable containers for microwave ovens
– are reflected by metal.
– pass through glass and china-
ware, . . .
– and are absorbed by food.
Material and shape
The material and shape of containers
used affect the cooking results and
times. Round and oval shaped ones
provide good results. Heat distribution
is more even than it is in rectangular
The following do not belong in an
oven being used in microwave
mode. Metal containers, aluminium
foil and metal cutlery, or china with
metallic decoration, such as gold
rims or cobalt blue.
The metal reflects the microwaves, hin-
dering the cooking process.
– If recommended by the producer, pre-
cooked meals packed in aluminium foil
containers can be defrosted and re-
heated in the microwave oven. Import-
ant: remove the lid first. The disadvant-
age is that the food is only heated from
the top. It is better to remove the food
from the aluminium foil container and
transfer it to a dish suitable for a micro-
wave oven. The heat distribution will be
more even.
If sparks and arcing occur when using
a metal container, stop and transfer the
food to a microwave safe container.
– Small pieces of aluminium foil. For
even defrosting and to avoid overcook-
ing unevenly shaped cuts of meat,
poultry or fish, small areas of aluminium
foil may be used to mask wingtips or
other thin parts for the last few minutes
Suitable containers for microwave ovens