1. Models 201HT, 201HTN, 401HT, 401HTN, 501HT, and 501HTN:
are equipped with a built-in detergent dispensing pump and a rinse-aid dispensing pump.
The pumps are located behind the lower front access panel.
2. Each pump is equipped with a line-strainer, stiffener tube and 6 ft. of pick-up tubing.
The pick-up tubes are marked with colored labels that identify the type of chemical used.
RED = Detergent (Non-chlorinated)
BLUE = Rinse-Aid (Consult chemical supplier)
WHITE = Sanitizer (5.25% Sodium hypochlorite (chlorine bleach) solution.
3. Make sure the stiffener tubes are placed in the correct chemical supply container
(chemicals supplied by others).
4. The chemical supplier must adjust the dispensers to deliver the correct amount of
chemicals to the dishwasher.
5. Chemical containers must be placed as close to the dishwasher as possible.
Do not elevate the containers above the nished oor.
Chemical Dispensing Pumps
Initial Start-up
Chemical Dispensing Pumps for
High Temperature HT and HTN
Chemical Pick-up Tubes,
stiffener tubes & line
Chemical Injection Point
Models 501HT, 501HTN, 401HT, 401HTN, 201HT, 201HTN