4 Placethe1-cuppodholderq with a used
coffee pod in it in the coffee machine. Close
the lid and make sure it is properly locked.
Make sure the lid is closed properly and the lid
lever is locked before you start descaling the
Note: Always put a used coffee pod in the pod holder
when you descale the machine. This pod serves as a
‘lter’ to prevent the sieve or hole in the pod holder
from getting clogged with scale residue.
5 Put a bowl with a capacity of at least 1500ml
under the spout to collect the descaling
6 Pressthe1-cupbuttonqandthe2-cupbutton
descaling cycle.
, The CALC light and the light ring around the
descaling cycle has started.
, Hot water comes out of the coffee spout in
intervals. During the descaling cycle, the machine
stops descaling 3 to 4 times to let the descaler
mixture act and to heat up.
Let the machine complete the entire descaling
cycle, which takes 4 to 5 minutes. Do not switch
off the machine during the descaling cycle!
, When all the water in the water reservoir has
The light ring around the on/off button starts to