Care and cleaning
@Grease is flammable. Do not
*Do not soak removable heating
allow grease to collect around
elements in water. The element
cooktop or in vents. Wipe spill-
will be damaged and shock or
overs immediately.
fire could result.
.Do not clean door heat seal. It
is essential for a good seal.
Care should be taken not to
rub, damage or move the seal.
Clean only parts recommended
in this Use and Care Guide.
.Do not repair or replace any
ADO not use water on grease
part of the range unless specifi-
fires. Never pick up a flaming
tally recommended in this
pan. Smother flamin pan on
manual. All other servicing
range by coverin
WI h a well-
should be referred to a quali-
fitted lid, cookie s
eet or flat
fied technician.
tray. Flaming grease outside of
Disconnect the electrical supply
an can be extin
uished with
before servicing the range.
aking soda or, i
available, a
multipurpose dry chemical or
foam-type extinguisher.