Rose electronic Not Avaliable Frozen Dessert Maker User Manual

Program version UP15 7/22/1999
Fix slave communication
Fixed a problem with the main board (ports 1-4) sometimes reporting failures
incorrectly on slave boards (ports 5 to 16).
Program version UP13 07/14/1999
Fix serial mouse
Fixed a problem with using a CPU using a serial mouse connection. The problem
occurred on ports above port 4 on PC only configurations.
Program version UP12 06/11/99
Add support for unknown keys
For multi-platform units, fixed problem with routing non-standard keycodes from
keyboards to CPU's that don't match the keyboard type.
Add alternate switch expansion method
Added Ctrl-Tab to keyboard commands. This command allows a KVM switch to pass
commands through to switches connected to a CPU port.
Sun and Apple keyboard problem
For multi-platform units using Sun or Macintosh keyboards prevent the keyboard
select box from appearing.
Fix changing ports on Japanese Sun computers
Fixed a problem when changing ports on with Japanese Sun machines using
Japanese keyboards.
Fix cursor keys on units with more than 4 ports
Fixed a problem with passing PC cursor keys through a KVM switch connected to a
port on the switch greater than 4.
Improve NT wheel mouse
Improved NT response to a wheel mouse by adding support for SP3 and SP4
changes made in NT.
Change screen saver factory default time setting
Changed default screen saver time to 0 to make disabled the default for the screen
Fix double height OSD problem
Fixed problem with on screen display occasionally failing to double display height on
high resolution displays.
Fix access login OSD problem
Fixed a problem with the access login screen moving off the display.
Kernel revision history
Kernel version P7 12/04/2001
Improve OSD power-on detect