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About this microwave oven
Microwaves are high-frequency electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves. While radio waves
may vary in length from one metre to many kilometres, microwaves are very short (less than 12.5
centimetres). Microwaves do not make any heat themselves but only cause water molecules in
food to vibrate. This vibration produces the heat that cooks the food. This is why your food will
come out of the microwave piping hot, when your utensils inside the oven stay much cooler. The
microwaves do not stay in the air or in the food when you open the microwave oven door.
The microwave oven will work using an ordinary household electrical socket. Inside the
microwave oven is the magnetron, which turns the electrical energy into microwaves. Microwaves
cannot go through metal, so the inside of the oven is lined with metal. The door is lined with a fine
metal mesh which stops microwaves getting through. This means that when the microwave oven
door is shut, there is no possibility that microwaves can be released. This is why the microwave
oven has been made so that it will not work when the door is open.
Before you use your microwave oven
1 Remove all the packaging. Do not remove the small piece of card from the right hand side
of the cavity wall. This is called a wave-guide cover and allows the microwaves to pass
through to cook the food.
2 Check the oven after unpacking for any visual damage such as:
¾ A misaligned door
¾ Damage to the door
¾ Dents or holes in the door window and screen
¾ Dents in the inside
If you can see any damage do not use the oven