Operating the Self-Cleaning Oven (continued)
How to Set Delay Start of Cleaning
(on some models)
Quick Reminder:
1. Latch the door°
2. Turn the OVEN SET knob to CLEAN.
3. Press the START TIME ON/OFF pad.
4. Press the HOUR and MIN. pads to set the
time of day you want cleaning to start° The
self-clean cycle will automatically begin at the
time you selected.
Delay Start is setting the oven timer to start the clean
cycle automatically at a later time than the present
time of day.
For example: Let's say it is 7:00 and you want the
oven to begin self-cleaning at 9:00 after you're finished
in the kitchen° The oven is just soiled a normal
amount so the normal Clean Time of 4 hours and
20 minutes is preferred.
1. Follow steps to prepare the oven for cleaning.
2. Slide the latch handle to the
right as far as it will go, __'_ "N_-
Never force the latch handle.
Forcing the handle will damage lll|_'-
the door lock mechanism. -'--- "
3. Turn the OVEN SET knob to the CLEAN position.
4. Press the START TIME ONIOFF pad,
5. Press the HOUR pad until 9:00 appears in the
disptay_ The timer is now set to start cleaning in
2 hours, at 9:00.
The self-clean cycle will be set to automatically
begin at 9:00 and finish at 1:20.
Both the OVEN ON light and the SELF CLEAN
DOOR LATCH light will flash when the Clean
Time is finished,
6, When the SELF CLEAN DOOR LATCH light
flashes, slide the latch handle to the left as far as it
will go, turn the OVEN SET knob to OFF and
open the door.
Never force the latch handle. Wait until the SELF
CLEAN DOOR LATCH light flashes and the latch
slides easily. Forcing the latch handle may damage the
door lock.
Questions and Answers
Q. Can I use commercial oven deaners on any part
of my self-deaning oven?
A. No cleaners or coatings should be used around any
part of this oven, If you do use them and do not
thoroughly rinse the oven with water, wiping it
absolutely clean afterwards, the residue can scar the
oven surface and damage metal parts the next time
the oven is automatica_y cleaned.
Q. What should I do ff excessive smoking occurs
during cleaning?
A. This is caused by excessive soilo Turn the OVEN
SET knob to OFF. Open the windows to rid room
of smoke, Wait tmtit the SELF CLEAN DOOR
LATCH light goes o_ Wipe up the excess soil and
reset the clean cycle°
Q. Is the "crackling" or "popping" sound I hear
during deardng normal?
A. Yes.This is the sotmd of the metal heating and cooling
duringboth the cooking and cleaning functions.
Q. Should there be any odor during the cleaning?
A. Yes, there will be an odor during the first few
cleanings. Failure to wipe out excessive soil might
also cause a strong odor when cleaning,
Q: Why do I have ash left in my oven after cleaning?
A. Some types of soil will leave a deposit which is ash.
It can be removed with a damp sponge or cloth,
Q. If my oven dock is not set to the correct time of
day, can I still serf-clean my oven?
A. If the clock is not set to the correct time of&y,
you will not be able to set a delay clean to end at a
specific time°
Q: What causes the hair-like lines on the enameled
surface of my oven?
A. This is a normal condition, resulting from heating
and cooling during cleaning_ These lines do not
affect how your oven performs°
Q. Can I cook food on the cooktop while the oven
is seff-deaning?
A. Yes. While the oven is self-cleaning, you can use the
cooktop just as you norma_y do,
Q, The SELF CLEAN DOOR LATCH light flashes
when I set the dean cycle. What's wrong?
A. The SELF CLEAN DOOR LATCH light wil! flash
until the latch is moved to the right.
Q. Can I dean the woven gasket around the
oven door?
A. No, this gasket is essential fbr a good oven seal,
and care must be taken not to rub, damage or move
this gasket°