SPT SD-2201S Dishwasher User Manual

Means: need tofill rinseinto the Rinse-Aid Dispenser.
*AHAM DW-1- 2005 : T his pr ogram is th e test cycle, the r inse -aid dispense r
setting is r ecommen ded to Posi tion 6.
Starting a washcycle...
Draw out the basket(seethe section entitled Loading the Dishwasher ).
Po ur in th e deter g e nt (s ee t he sect ion enti t led Salt, D et er gent a nd Rinse A i d ) .
Insert the plug intothesocket.The powersupply is 120V/60 Hz
M a ke s ur e that th e wa t er su ppl y is tu rn e d on to full p r es s ure .
Pres s th e program bu tton t o sel ect was h program y ou n eed
Th en press t he Star t/Re se t butt on, the d ishwasher b egins t o sta rt .
Heavy- >Normal-> Speed
When you press the Start/Reset button to pause during washin g,
t h e p ro gram l ig ht w ill s top b lin ki ng and the d i shw as h er w ill m oo ing
every minute unless you p ress t he Sta rt/Reset button to start.
For n ormal ly soiled loads ,
such as pot s, plates, glasses
and l ightly soiled pans.
stand ard dai ly cy cle.
3i n1
14 0
Pre-wa sh 5 0
Wash (70 )
Rinse (70 )
Dry in g
For t he heaviest soiled l oads,
su ch as pot s, pans,c asserole
dishes and dishes that ha ve
been sitting with dried food
onthemfor awhile.
3/15 g.
For n ormally soiled loads,
such aspots, plates, glasses
and lightly soiled pans.
standard daily cycle.
3/15 g.
125 0.70 8.4
Pre-wa sh
Wash (60 )
Rin se
Rin se (7 0 )
Dry ing
Ashorter washf or lightly
soiled loads that do not
need dryi ng.
30 6.0
Rapi d
For lightly soiled loads, such
as plate s, glasses, bowls and
lightly soiled pans.
170 0.63
Pre-w ash
Wash (55 )
(70 )
Dry ing
Rin se
Rin se
Pre-w ash
Wash (60 )
(70 )
Dry ing
Rin se
Rin se
Wash (45 )
(60 )
Dry ing
Rin se
Rin se
(EN 502 42)
3/15 g.
For lightly soiled loads,
su ch as glasses, crys tal and
fine china.
75 0.48 6.8
Wash (40 )
Rin se
Rin se