SPT SD-2201S Dishwasher User Manual

The f ilter prev ent l ar ger re mna nts of fo od o r other o bje cts f rom gett ing insid e the pump.
The fil ter sys tem con sists of a coarse filter, a f lat (Main f ilt er)
an d a micro filter ( fi n e fi lter) .
Food and soil particles tr apped by thisfilter are pulverized by a
special jet on t h e s p ray arm and was hed dow n t o drai n.
Main filter
Largeritems, such aspieces of bone or glass,thatcould block
the drain are trap ped in t he coars e filter. To re mo v et he ite ms
caught b ythefilter, gently squeeze the tap on the top ofthis
filterand lift out.
Coarse filter
This filte r ho lds s oi l a nd f ood r esi due in th e sump a re a and
preve nts i t fro m being redeposit on the dishes du ring wash cy cle.
Fine filter
Filter assembly
The filter efficiently
F or bes t per f orm a n ce a nd resu lt s, t he filter as se m bly mus t b e re gul ar ly. th i s rea s on, it is a go od i dea to
r emo ve th ela rger foo d particl estr app ing i n the filte r after each was h cycle b yr insing the filter an d cup un der
r unn ing w ate r. To remove the filte r assemb ly, pull on th e cu ph andle i n the u pwa rd di rection.
re mo ves food part icle s from th e wa sh w at er, allowin g it to be re- cyc lated duri ng t he cy cle .
Fo r
Never run the di shwa sher w i t hou t t h e f i lte rs i n pla c e.
T he di sh was her mus t n e ver be used w i t ho ut th e filter s.
Imp ro per repl ac ement of the f ilter may red uce the perform anc e level o f the app lian ce
and damage dishes and utensils.
the filter system will be installed.
If do it from step1 t o step 3, the filter sy stem will be removed; while if do it from Step 3 t o Step 1,
Step1:contrarotate the Fine ,
Step3:lift the Main filter up