SPT SD-2201S Dishwasher User Manual

Itis recommend that you run a wash cycle with the
dish washer e mpt yan d the n remove t he plu g from the
socket, t urn o ff t he wa te r supp ly and le ave the door of
t he appl ia nce s l i ght ly ope n. This will help the doo r
sealsto ast longerandprevent odours from forming
withi nthe appliance.
If the applian ce must be mo ved, tr y to keep i t in the
vertical position. If absolutely necessary, it can be
positi oned on its back.
One of thefactors that cause odorsto form inthe
dishwasher is foo d th at remain s trappe di n the seal s.
Periodic clea ni ng with a d amp sponge will p reve nt t hi s
f r o m oc cu rr in g.
Aft er ever y wash, turn off t he water supp ly to the
applia nce and l ea ve th e doo r slightl yop en so th at
m oisture an d odor s are not trapped ins ide.
Befo re cleaning or p erfo rming mainten ance, always
remove the p lug f rom the socket.
To cleanthe exteriorandrubberparts ofthedishwasher,
do not use solventsor abrasive cleaning products.
O nly use a c lo th w ith w arm so apy wat e r.
To rem ov e sp ots or st ains from the sur face of t he
in teri or, u se a clot h da mpe ned wit h wa ter w ith a li tt le
v inega r, o r a c lea ning pro duct mad es peci fically f or
After Every Wash
Remove the Plug
No Solvents or Abrasive Cleaning
Mov ing the Ap plia nce
When it is not in need for a long time
The installation of the pipes
and electrical equipments
should be done by professionals.
Electrical Shock Hazard
Disconnect electrical power before
installing dishwasher.
Failure to do so can result in death
or e lec tric al s hoc k.
The installation position of dishwasher should be near the existing inlet and drain
hoses and power cord.
One side of the cabinet sink should be chosen to facilitate the connection of drain
hoses of the dishwasher.
Cleaning the Spray Arms
Thespray arms canbe easily removed for periodiccleaning
of the noz zles , to p reve nt poss ible c logging . Wa sh th em
unde r running wat er a nd ca re fu lly repla ce them in th eir s eat s,
checking that their rotary movementis inno way impeded.
G ra sp the middle of th e spr ay a rm, pull it up wards to remove
it.Wash the arms undera jet of running waterandreturn them
care ful l y to t heir s eat . Af ter re asse mbl y, c h eck t hat th e s pra y
arms turn freely. Otherwise , check that they ha vebeen
insta lled c or re ct l y.