Continuous Loss-in-Weight Blenders Chapter 2: Functional Description 16
Ingredient Metering/Transport Auger Assemblies
Each metering auger assembly consists of a:
• Cast aluminum motor mount
• Cast aluminum feeder body
• Aluminum feeder tube
• Gearbox
• Inverter-duty AC drive motor
• Machined metering auger
The metering auger assembly accurately meters the material from the ingredient weigh
hopper at the calculated rate.
The mass flow weigh hopper design allows more range of the load cell to be used for actually
weighing the material and eliminates dynamic drive movement and vibrations from affecting
the load cell readings.
Figure 3: Metering Auger Components
Cascade Material Chute
The cascade material chute is a rectangular conduit in which all the metering augers
discharge. The materials are cascaded together and directed vertically down into the lower
mass flow weigh hopper. A clean out door is provided on the chute above the augers, so that
any dust can be blown out if it has collected.