Trouble Shooting guide
Coffee runs down the side of Group handle is not attached correctly, Ensure the handle is firmly positioned
the group handle. or has not been tightened sufficiently. onto the brewing head. See “Preparing
an espresso” pg 14.
Edge of filter insert is not free Clean around the top edge of the
of coffee granules. filter and wipe the brewing head clean
of coffee.
The brewing head is dirty. Wipe brewing head with a
damp cloth.
The brewing head is defective. Contact a Sunbeam Service Centre.
Brew head rubber seal is damaged, Contact a Sunbeam Service Centre.
or worn.
No coffee runs through. No water in the water reservoir. Fill reservoir with water.
Water reservoir not correctly Press firmly down on the water reservoir
assembled. to ensure it is correctly positioned.
Brewing filter may be blocked. See “Descaling the espresso machine”
pg 19.
The filter is blocked, the coffee Empty out the filter and rinse under
grounds are too fine or tamped water to clean. Wipe the brewing head
down too hard. with a cloth. Repack the filter and tamp
down coffee lightly with compactor.
Coffee pours out in drops. Coffee grounds are too fine or are too Ensure you are using an evenly ground
compacted. coffee and do not compact the grounds
so firmly.
Machine blocked by scale build up. See “Descaling the espresso machine”
pg 19.
Espresso does not have any Coffee is old or dry. Use fresh coffee and once you open the
Crema. coffee be sure to store it in an airtight
Coffee not compacted firmly enough. Compact coffee grounds more
Coffee too coarse. Grind the coffee to a finer texture or
change brands of espresso coffee to a
finer grind.