Models BC10/BW11 Operating Procedures
Section 6 Operating Procedures
Mixing Instructions
Make s ure your hands are clean and sanitized before
performing these steps.
Step 1
Fill a serving cup with soft serve product and install the
plastic domed lid.
Figure 6
Figure 7
Step 2
Add “mix-in” ingredients such as liquid flavoring,
candy, c ookies, fruit, or other c ondiments.
Figure 8
Step 3
Place the control switch in the “ON” position.
Step 4
Hold the cup securely in place beneath the agitator,
and step on the foot pedal. Using a circular motion,
work the cup upward and over the spinning agitator.
Figure 9
Select International Units: For select International
units which are not equipped with a foot pedal, the
control switch must be pressed during agitation.
Note: Agitation will chip and break down solids. It is
not intended to completely pulverize ingredients
because solid chunks should be evident in the finished