1 76 3 1 So u th S u san a Ro ad , R an c ho D o mi ng ue z, Cal i f o rni a 90 2 21
i n fo @vi no t emp . co m
• To unlock the control panel, press and hold the down arrow button and
up arrow button for 3 seconds. The control panel will beep and blink
indicating that the control panel is active and the settings can be
Important: In order to operate efficiently, this product should be in an
environment with an ambient temperature of less than 110°F.
• Always unplug the wine cellar before cleaning.
• Do not use benzene, scrubbing brushes or chemical cleaners as these
will damage the unit.
• Use only a mild, nonabrasive cleanser to clean the exterior of the
• Clean the stainless steel door and handle by wiping with a warm water
and baking soda solution. The solution should be about 2 tablespoons
of baking soda to a quart of water.
• Wash the racks with a mild detergent solution.
• Always dry all parts with a clean dry cloth before plugging the wine
cellar back into the receptacle.
• Always unplug the wine cellar before moving.
• Always remove all bottles before moving the wine cellar.
• Securely tape down all loose items (shelves) inside your appliance.
• Tape the door shut.
• Be careful of cabinet legs to avoid damage when moving.
• Be sure the wine cellar stays in the upright position during
• Protect the outside of appliance with a blanket or similar item when
moving as needed.