Whirlpool 3369088 Dishwasher User Manual

Before you start . . .
Proper rnsiallation IS your responsibility
Make we you hove everyihing
necessary for correct Instollol~on It 1s the
personal responsibility end obllgatlon of
the customer to contact o quaIlfled
Installer to assure that electrlcol ond
plumbing ~nstollal~on mecl nal~onai and
local codes and ordlnonces
Observe all
governing codes and
DO NOT install dishwasher
over carpeted floor
Proper eleclrlcol. dram and water
lines must be available or must
be lnslallcd as speclfled wllhin shaded
Oreo See Electrrcal. Water and Droln
requrrements. Plumbing and wiring
should not cross In front of motor or
drshwoshcr legs
If plumbing ond electrrcal connecllsns
ore not installed. complete the
Electrical. Waler and Drain Connectrons
Installation InstructIons frrst.
ElectrIcal ground
is reauired See
Elecirrcal requirements
Parts supplied
for installation:
Remove parts from bag. Check
that all parts were supplied.
Tools needed
for fnstallation:
Electrical Shock Hazard
*Electrical ground is required on
this OrJoliance. Check with (I
qualiiied electrician S you are in
doubt as to whether the
appliance Is property grounded.
Improper connection of the
equipment-grounding conductor
con result in dectrical shock.
*Disconnect power to the junction
Failure to do 50 could result in
serious injury or deoih.
*This appliance must be
connected to a grounded,
metallic permanent wirina
system. or a grounding -
connector should be connected
to the grounding terminal or wire
lead on the appliance.
Failure to do so could result in
serious injury or death.
Do Not have a fuse in the neutral
or grounding circuit.
lhhcckquld result in electrical
*DO Not use an extension cord
with this appliance.
Such use may resull in a fire,
electrical shock or otner personal
Check locatron where dlshwasher WIII
be installed. The location should
Easy access to water. electricity
and drarnoge lines
. Convenient loadrng - the best
pos11ron IS left or rrght of kitchen sink.
. Openrng that is square for proper
dishwasher operahon and
Cabinet front that IS oeroendiculor
to floor
Protection so that water inlet valve
and drain cannot freeze.
. l/4” minimum clearance between
motor ond flooring to prevent
motor overheating.
Electrical Shack Hazard
Electrical wiring and
~~ -1
components must not contact
any plumbing material or drain
Cabinet opening must
completely enclose sides, top
and bock of dishwasher.
Failure to do so may result in
personal injury from exposed
Personal Injury
Avoid opening dishwasher door
before dishwcsher is installed.
Dishwasher. betore il is inslolled
may tip over when door is o&n&d
resulting in personal injury or
product damage.
A I P~volt. 60 Hz. AC only. 15 or 20
ampere, fused electrical supply Is
required. Time-delay fuse or clrcutt
breaker is recommended. lt ls
recommended that a separate
circuit serving
only this
appliance be
It ls the personal responsibilii and
obligation of the customer to
con&t a qualmd electdclan ta
assure that the elect&al installation
Is adequate ond Is in conformance
with the National Electdcal Code,
ANSVNFPA 7@!~test editlon. and
local codes and ordinances.
The dishwasher can be connected
with flexible armored or non-metallic
sheathed copper cable (with
groundlng wire).
A U.L.-listed strain relief or conduit
connector must be installed ot each
end of the Dower SUDDIV cable tat
the dishwajher and bi {he junction
box). Wire sizes (COPPER WIRE
ONLV) must conform with the rating
of the dishwasher.
Local codes may permtt the use of a
U.L.-listed. flexible three-conductor
l&gauge cord terminated with a
three prong. grounding type plug.
The cord must meet the National
ElectrIcal Code. ANSl/NFPA 7C-lotest
edttton and local codes and
ordlnonces. The length of the cord
must not exceed six feet. It must be
so it does not touch the
dishwosher motor or the lower
portion of the dishwasher tub. A
grommet (Part No. 302797) must
cover the hole cut In a metol
cabinet for the flexible cord. The
flexible cord must be plugged into a
mating three-prong grounding type
wall receptcle. Follow Instructions
packaged with the flexible cord.
Panel A