Whirlpool EB19AKXL Refrigerator User Manual

No need to s’lu? off the refrlgeratc;r I’ y’oc1 WI De
away for less tF,Jr, fOur weeks Use
freeze other itef?s
If your refr’gerator s equloped
with on outomc:lc Ice maker 11 tlJrr It 3ff 2) shu’ of
the water suppI\ to the tee maker 3: emptv the Ice
long Vacations.
Remove all tF,e fix?d Ii ‘~oc.
w? go,r,g
for rl rn”f-tb8
3r more If yol.~ retrlgerator 1s equipped ,NIT: or
outomatlc ICC? ,iaker. turr, off fhe water sdpp v +c,
the Ice maker c:’ least a dav =Ihead Wher! ttie ISIS’
Joad Of Ice dro; as, turn 3ff the Ice maker
Urlolug the rc-frlgerator and clear I+ rlr;se .-.‘ef
3nd dry Tape r>.DDer or wo& blocks to both doors
keeping then- open far enough for air tc ger
This WIII keep ajor ona mold from building up
Tape the blocks out of a child’s reach...do
not allow children near the refrigerator when
the doors are blocked open.
70 restart refrlclerolor. see “Using Your Refrigerator
If your refrigerator IS equipped with or, automatic
Ice maker, shut off the ice maker water supply a
day ahead of t/me Disconnect the water line After
the lost supply of Ice drops, lift the signal arm to turn
off the ice maker
Remove all food Pock frozen foods in dry ice
Unplug the refrigerator and clean It thoroughly
Remove everythIng that comes out Wrap all ports
tieI1 and tape them together so they don’t shift and
Screw or: the everllng rollers, tape the dmrs
snut tape the eiectrlc cord to the cabinet When
k ou get to your new home, put everythIng back and
refer to page 2 If your refrlgerotor has on automatic
Ice maker, recoP,lect the water supply
Food storage guide
-here 1s a right w3v to package and store refrlg~
era!ed or frorer, f:)ods To keeD foods fresh’e: longer
take the lime to study these rezommencien steps
Leafy Vegetables
Remove store wropplng irlrr
or tear off bruised and discolored areas Wash
cool water, drar and store in crisper Cold moist air
helps keep leoty vegetables fresh and crisp The
crispers have sealing gaskets to help keep rumid a#r
/ n
perlshobie and experlslve
Non ’ ,wont tC waste an oclnce of it through careless
handling The following list and chart give you pack-
aging hints and time limits State meat ir the meat
Fresh, Prepackaged Meat
Store fresh meat In
the store wrapping Vacuum packaged meat can
be frozen for as long as one month
the seal
orokep If you wart to keep It frozen longer, you
should wrap It witp speclcl freezer wrapplrg materId
Fresh Meat, Not Prepackaged.
Remove the
market wrapping paper and re-wrap loosely In
waxed paper 01 olumlnum foil for storing It unfrozen
Cooked Meat.
Wrap or cover cooked meat with
waxed paper, plastic wrap or aluminum foil Store
Cured or Smoked Meat and Cold Cuts.
bacon. sausage. cold cuts. etc keep best or, ortgl-
301 wrappings Once opened, tightly re-wrap In
plastic wrap or aluminum foil