Vacation and moving care
Shutting off and moving...
Arrarlge for someone to make regular checks of
If freezer is shut off tor more than 24 hours:
your freezer to muke sure It 1s operating and electrrcrty
1. Remove and store all food
has not been interrupted
2. Unplug freezer
3. Clean thoroughly See ‘Cleanrng your freezer.”
page 6
4. Block lid open for arr crrculation. Turn lock to locked
posrtron with lid open. Place blocks between
and cabinet and tape rn place with self-adhesive
filament tape
If you move the freezer:
1. Remove the sliding basket.
2. Do not place objects inside or on top of
3. Level properly to ensure good Ird seal
CAUTION: To help prevent accidents, do not al-
low children near the freezer when the lid is
blocked open.
To restart freezer, see “Usrng your freezer;’ page 5