Whirlpool MG8120XD Microwave Oven User Manual

Questions and Answers
Can I operate my microwave oven
No. If you remove or turn over the turntable, you
without the turntable or turn the turntable will get poor cooking results. Dishes used in your
>ver to accommodate a large dish?
oven must fit on the turntable.
3an I use a rack in my microwave oven
You can use a rack only ff rack is supplied with
jo that I may reheat or cook on two
your microwave oven. Use of any rack not sup-
evels at a time?
plied with the microwave oven can result in poor
cooking performance an&or arcing.
Can I use either metal or aluminum
Useable metal includes aluminum foil for shielding
)ans for microwave cooking?
(use small, flat pieces), small skewers, and
shallow foil trays (if tray is % inch deep and filled
with food to absorb microwave energy). When
crisping or using SIZZLE, use the specially
designed CRISPWARETM Crisper Pan that comes
with your oven. Never allow metal to touch walls
or door. (For more information, see page 60.)
s it normal for the turntable to turn in
Yes. The turntable rotates clockwise or counter-
?fther direction?
clockwise, depending on the rotation of the motor
when the cooking cycle begins.
Sometimes the door of my microwave
This appearance is normal and does not affect the
lven appears wavy. Is this normal?
operation of your oven.
!Vhat are the humming noises that I hear You hear the sound of the transformer when the
when my microwave oven is operating?
magnetron tube cycles on.
Nhy does the dish become hot when I
As food becomes hot it will conduct the heat to the
nicrowave food in it? I thought that this
dish. Also, when grilling remember that the
should not happen.
Crisper Pan is made of a special material that
absorbs microwave energy, making the pan very
hot for browning. To avoid burns, use hot pads or
the Crisper Pan handle to remove food after
cooking and grilling.
What does “standing time” mean?
‘Standing time” means that food should be taken
out of the oven and covered after cooking. This
process allows the cooking to finish, saves
energy, and frees the oven for another purpose.
Zan I pop popcorn in my microwave
Yes. Pop packaged microwave popcorn following
)ven? How do I get the best results?
manufacturets guidelines or use the prepro-
grammed Popcorn pad. Do not use regular paper
bags. Use the “listening test” by stopping the oven
when the popping slows to a “pop” every one or
two seconds. Do not try to repop unpopped
kernels. You can also use special microwave
poppers. When using a popper, be sure to follow
manufacturer’s directions. Do not pop popcorn in
glass utensils.