Whirlpool Ni-l30 Microwave Oven User Manual

a. Insert toggle bolts through mounting plate at required
locations and add the spring loaded toggles.
Referencewall template prior to proceeding
Be sure you leave space at least the thickness of the wall
between the mounting plate and the end of the toggle nuL (in
dosed position). If you do not leave this space, the toggle nut
will not open on the other side of the wall.
b.Posl_on moun_g plate on wall and insert toggle bolt
assemblies through the drywall holes or start the lag-screw(s)
c. Next, secure mounting plate to the wall by
tightening toggle bolt assemblies orlag screw(s).
d. Drill 3/16" diameter lag screw hole(s), into one
or more wall stud(s).
(Remember, you must have at least one lag screw
into a wall stud.)For stud location refer to W.ALI.
CONSTRUCTION see page 5.
e. Tighten the lag screw(S)into wall stud(S)