Whirlpool Ni-l30 Microwave Oven User Manual

Hood Exhaust Duct
Outside ventilation requires horizontal exhaust is to be ELBOWS,TRANSITIONS,
HOOD EXHAUST DUCT. used, care should betaken to WALL AND ROOF CAPS, etc.,
Read the following carefully alignexhaust with space present additional resistance to
between studs, or wall should air flow and are equivalent to a
EXHAUST CONNECT/ON: beprepared at the time it is section ofstraight duct which is
The hood exhaust has been comstructed by leaving enough longer than their actual
designed to mate with a space between wall studs to physical size. When calcula_hg
standard 3-1/4" x 10" accommodate exhaust, the total duct length add the
rectangl llar duct. NOTE: Referencewall equivalent lengths of all
template, transitions and adaptors plus
Ifround duct is required, a the lengths ofall su-aight duct
rectang_,l_r-to-mund MAXIMUM DUCTLENGTH: sections.The diagram below
transition adapter must be For satisfactoryair movemen_ shows the approximate feet of
used. Do not use lessthan a 6" the tot_ duct length of 3-1/4" x equivalent length of some
diameter duct. 10" mctang_fl_ror6" diameter typical ducts.
round duct should not exceed
REAREXHAUST:Ifrear or 140feet of epuivalent duct run.
90°ELBOW00Fr) 45°F_LBOW(5FT)
90° ELBOW(25FT) 45° ELBOW(5FD WAI ,LCAP (40FI)