Whirlpool RSD2200 Refrigerator User Manual

Meat and Cheese filll it will be helpful to fill milk cartons half fnll of
To maximize storage time store these items in the water and place them in the freezer.
Meat/Cheese drawer. Refer to page 5 for Refer to the Food Storage Chart on pages 8-9 for
temperature settings, approximate storage times. For the best results
Fruits and Vegetables when freezing foods, follow these guidelines:
Storage in the crisper drawers traps moisture to help Packaging Foods for Freezing
keep fruits and vegetables fresh. The Vari Crisper When freezing fruits and vegetables select fresh, top-
allows the moisture level to be adjusted depending on quality products.
what is stored in the crisper. Generall_ fruits need Use a freezer wrap that is air-, moisture- and vapor-
low moisture and vegetables need high moisture.
Refer to page 5 for setting the control, proof. Some good choices are heaxT-duty aluminum
foil, freezer plastic wrap, polyethylene-coated freezer
Fruit and vegetable quaJity affects the length of paper, freezer bags or airtight containers. Force as
storage. Quality can vmTyfrom item to item varietd: to much air out of the packages as possible and be sure
variety and season to season. For example, a rainy they are tightly sealed. Trapped air ean cause the food
growing season can cause lettuce to be brow_l when to dD, out, change color and develop an off-flavor
purchased or brown more quickly. Sort fruits and (freezer burn).
vegetables before storage and use bruised or soft
items first. Discard those showing signs of decay. Fresh meats and poult D can be left in the store
wrapping when freezing for less than gvo weeks. For
When storing vegetables, the crispers will perform longer storage, overwrap with a suitable freezer wrap.
better if they are at least two-thirds full. If they are less Do not refreeze meat that has completely thawed.
than two-thirds full, always store vegetables in plastic Loading the Freezer
bags oi"airtight contaiuecs to reduce moisture loss.
Avoid adding too nmch warm food to the freezer at
Always wrap odorous foods such as onions and one time. This overloads the freezer, slows the rate of
cabbage so the odor does not transfer to other foods, freezing and can raise the temperature of already
While vegetables need a certain amount of moisture frozen foods.
to remain fresh, too much moisture can shorten Place the packages in the coldest part of the freezer
storage times (especially lettuce). Be sure the first (against the walls or bottom of the compartment)
vegetables arewell drained before storing. It may also to insure the food freezes as quickly as possible.
be helpfnl to place a layer of paper towels in the Leave a little space between the packages so cold air
bottom of the bag to absorb anv excess moisture, ean eirculate.
Dairy Food Avoid storing hard-to-freeze tbods such as ice cream
Store butter and margarine in the Dairy and orange juice on the freezer door sheh,es. These
Compartment found in the refrigerator door. foods are best stored in the freezer interior where the
Most daiD' foods such as rnilk, cream, sour cream and temperature varies less with door openings.
cottage cheese have freshness dates on their cartons Foods That Don't Freeze Well
for appropriate length of storage. Store these foods in Some foods cannot be frozen sueeessfill b, because
the original carton and refrigerate immediately after the freezing causes them to deteriorate. These
purchasing and each use, Close carton lids tightly to include:
keep out air and odors.
potatoes (unless mashed)
Occasionally mold _ill develop on the surface of hard erealn fillings
cheeses (Swiss, Cheddar, Parmesan). The moldy' cooked eggwhites
areas can be trimmed away and the remaining cheese sour cream
will still be flavorful and safe to eat. salad greens
Frozen Food Storage luneheon meat
soft cheeses {cream, cottage, processed}
The freezer compartment of a refrigerator should be m_onnaise
kept at 0°F or lower. To check the freezer, place an milk and cream
appliance thermometer bern,ten the frozen packages gelatin salads
and check after 24 hours. A freezer operates more bananas
efficiently when it is at least two-thirds full. If not this citrus fruits