Whirlpool RSD2200 Refrigerator User Manual

Vacations Moving
If you will be gone for a month or less, leave the When moving, follow steps a-d under Vacations. In
controls at the usual settings, addition, remove and carefully pack any items that are
During longer absences: easily removable. Ship the refrigerator in an upright _.
position xx4ththe doors taped shut•
a) remove all food,
b) shut off the ice maker (if installed) and the valve
where you tapped into the water line to supply" the
c) disconnect the refrigerator from the eleetrieal ¢_
d) clean and dry the refrigerator thoroughly including
the defrost pan, _i
e) leave the doors open to prevent odors.
For more information about appliances, order the following items from Maytag at the prices indicated. Send your
name, address, booklet titre, form number and payment to: May_:agConsumer Education, One Dependabili b, Square, _'
Newton, IA 50208, Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
Appliance Buying Guides ......................................................................................................... 50¢ EACH -_'r-a
Washer ................................... 211YG Dishwasher ........................... 213YG __
D_'er ..................................... '212YG Refrigerator ............................. _6YG
Cooking Appliances ............................ 277YG