Whirlpool EHB191MKWR0 Refrigerator User Manual

Food storage guide
There IS a right way to package and store refrig-
erated or frozen foods To keep foods fresher longer.
take the flme to study these recommended steps
leafy Vegetables
Remove the store &rap-
ping and trim or tear off bruised and discc-,lored
areas Wash In cool water and drain Leave some
water on the leaves as they go Into the crisper Cold,
motst air helps keep leafy vegetables fresh and
Vegetables with Skins [tomatoes, peppers)
Cooke ,d Meat. Wrap or cover cooked meat witt
waxed F Iper, plastic wrap or aluminum foil Store
lmmedlc ‘ely
Curec or Smoked Meat and Cold Cuts. Ham
bacon, s Iusage, cold cuts, etc., keep best In o(lgl
nal wrap pings. Once opened, tightly re-wrap ir
plastic w ap or aluminum foil
Cannc ,d Ham. Store in refrigerator unless the la
bel says ‘s okay to store on the shelf Do not freeze
Fresh ‘oultry. Loosen the market wrapping ant
store In ie supermarket tray. or loosely wrap II
waxed F lper or plastic wrap.
Approximate Time
Varie y Meats
1 to 2
Chic1 en . .._.............
1 to 2
Groul td Beef
1 to 2
Steal ‘5 and Roasts
3 to 5
Cure’ I Meats
7 to 10
Baco ‘1 .._.......... .._....... 5to 7
Cold ‘::uts
3 to 5
If me’
* IS tc be stored longer ti?on the times given
follow+ ‘-e dIrectIons for freezlng
NOTE: ,‘resh fish and shellfish should be used the
Wash, dry and store IV a crisper
Fruits Wash, dry and store or a crisper Do not
same dc ./ as purchased
wash or hull berries until they are ready to I,%: Sort
and keep berrtes in their store container In a crisper,
or store In a loosely closed paper bag on
refng- _
erator shelf
Store without washing in the original car
ton or u e
the Utility Bin that came with you
refrlgeraf sr.
\Nipe milk cartons Store on a shelf Insldc
the refrig ‘rotor. Do not store on a door shelf
Beverc ges
Wipe bottles and cans Store on (
door she1 or Inside the refrigerator.
Meat. Meat IS perishable and expe?sl :t:
Store what you might use In a day of
tidor~ t want to daste an oclnce of it thrcjugh
the serv;i 3 dish in the Butter Compartment Wher
follotiing Qst and chart g de you
you havl
extra, wrap in freezer packaging ant
gackaglrg hln+s apa time imits
Cheer ‘I? .Store In the orIgInal wrapplng unt
Fresh, Prepackaged Meat. Store ‘res- -neat r,
you are eady to use it Once opened, re-wray
+hp s’zre ~rapp~rg Y’x car ‘reeze J- t’ E wrap
astic wrap or aluminum foil
a’~ s70k? t ior me 3rho heels if ,‘\> ~cnt .c. keey=
Condl nents
Store small jars and bottles [cat
8’ fr32en !r?cger ~0, s-c~~,,d r\rar : dd1!3 jr)ec a
sup, mus lrd jelly, olives) on the door shelves where
“t;e:$r \hraccin
g -rate-~~;l
easy reach
Fresh Meat, Not Prepackaged %A-- ‘\)e
Leftov : rs
Always ccsver leftovers with plas?l,
y‘3irz‘T .\rJ:~>p’Pg r.)onL1’ ;>’ 2 r<.> ,A,enc ;:B
wrap 3r : ljmnun- foil to keep food from d?:lng OL
.k’J~j ~: : ,cJpw i>r a ,;.-I _,\~jr.> L , 7 ,: >+~:rmr a + .,~~Irgzer,
Plcrstl- c,
+a ners with tight Iids are fine too