Front & Rear Panels
EMX5016CF Owner’s Manual
[ Feedback Suppressor
This function monitors the stereo-bus signal for howl-
ing and creates notch filters (filters which cut specific
frequencies) to eliminate the howling. There are two
methods: AUTO mode monitors the signal periodi-
cally, and MANUAL mode searches for each feedback
point individually. You can use both methods in tan-
dem or either method alone.
• AUTO mode
Pressing the AUTO ON switch turns on the indicator
and monitors for howling periodically. If howling is
found, the corresponding notch filter is created auto-
matically. Pressing the AUTO ON switch again turns
off Feedback Suppressor (notch filters) and the switch
To clear the notch filters, press and hold the AUTO ON
switch for two seconds or longer. The indicator flashes
when all notch filters are cleared. As long as you do
not clear the notch filters, the filter settings will be
retained even when you turn off the mixer's power.
A notch filter created by AUTO mode will be reduced
by 3 dB a minute after the filter has been created.
• MANUAL mode
Press the MANUAL DETECT switch to check for the
next feedback point in the signal. If howling is found,
(up to) one notch filter is created automatically. During
the check, the MANUAL DETECT switch indicator
flashes. The check is stopped when howling is found or
not found for five seconds. If notch filters are already
created and another howling point is not found, the
indicator goes off for a second, then lights up again.
MANUAL mode detects howling more sensitively
than AUTO mode. Use of this mode may mistakenly
identify musical notes as howling during a perfor-
mance; however, this mode is handy to set up precau-
tionary notch filters beforehand by intentionally
raising the levels and finding the howling points.
• If a notch filter is created by pressing the MAN-
UAL DETECT switch, the MANUAL ON switch
is turned on automatically. To turn off Feedback
Suppressor, press the MANUAL ON switch. The
switch indicator turns off.
• If no notch filters are created, pressing the MAN-
UAL ON switch cannot turn on Feedback Suppres-
To clear the notch filters, press and hold the MANUAL
ON switch for two seconds or longer. The indicator
flashes when all notch filters are cleared. As long as
you do not clear the notch filters, the filter settings will
be retained even when you turn off the mixer's power.
\ MAXIMIZE ON switch
When this switch is turned on, a multi-band (3-band)
compressor is applied to the Stereo L/R bus signal
enhancing the sound and volume of the overall output.
Turning on the switch lights up the indicator.
Turning on the power while holding the GEQ ON
W and MAXIMIZE ON switch \ restores
the initial factory settings for GEQ, Effects, Feedback
Suppressor, and MAXIMIZE.
] LIMITER Indicators
The lamp lights up when the amplified signal output at
the SPEAKERS jacks hits its maximum value.
The lamp indicates that the limiter has come on. If
the lamps are flashing frequently, the load on the
amp is too high and there is risk of damage to your
equipment. Reduce the setting of the ST master fader
l or the AUX1 or AUX2 fader f until the lamps
flash only briefly or not at all.
^ Maximum Output Switch
This selector lets you set the maximum output from for
the 2-channel internal amp to any of three levels. Set
this to match the size of your room or the input capac-
ity of your speakers.
500W: Maximum 500W + 500W/4 ohms.
200W: Maximum 200W + 200W/4 ohms.
75W: Maximum 75W + 75W/4 ohms
a POWER AMP Switch
Selects the output that gets sent to the SPEAKERS
jacks, as follows.
SPEAKERS jacks A1 and A2 output the signal from
the Stereo L bus, while jacks B1 and B2 output the sig-
nal from the Stereo R bus. The overall volume is
adjusted by the ST master fader.
SPEAKERS jacks A1 and A2 output the signal from
the AUX 1 bus; the volume for this signal can be
adjusted using the AUX1 fader. SPEAKERS jacks B1
and B2 output the mix of the signals on the Stereo L
and R buses; the volume can be adjusted with the ST
master fader.
SPEAKERS jacks A1 and A2 output the signal from
the AUX 1 bus, while jacks B1 and B2 output the sig-
nal from the AUX2 bus. Volumes can be adjusted using
the AUX1 and AUX2 faders, respectively.
b YS Processing Switch
This switch turns Yamaha Speaker Processing on or
off. The processor adjusts the speaker’s bass ranges so
as to compensate, for example, for a lack of subwoof-
ers. Note however that the resulting frequency balance
may vary according to the speakers you are using.