EMX5016CF Owner’s Manual
■ Digital Effect Program List
No. Program Parameter Range Descriptions
1 HALL 1 Reverb Time 0.3 to 10.0 s Reverb simulating a large space such as a concert hall.
2 ROOM 1 Reverb Time 0.3 to 3.2 s Reverb simulating the acoustics of a small space (room).
3 PLATE 1 Reverb Time 0.3 to 10.0 s
Simulation of a metal-plate reverb unit, producing a more hard-edged
4 LARGE STAGE 1 Reverb Time 0.3 to 10.0 s Reverb simulating a large stage.
5 SMALL STAGE 1 Reverb Time 0.3 to 10.0 s Reverb simulating a small stage.
6 VOCAL ECHO Delay 30.0 to 743.0 ms Echo designed for conventional vocals.
7 KARAOKE Delay 40.0 to 265.0 ms Echo designed for karaoke (sing-along) applications.
8 DELAY Delay 20.0 to 743.0 ms Feedback delay adding multiple delayed signals.
9 CHORUS LFO Freq 0 to 39.7 Hz Creates a thicker sound by modulating the delay time.
10 EARLY REF. Room Size 0.1 to 10.0
An effect which isolates only the early reflection components from
reverberation, creating a ‘flashier’ effect than conventional reverb.
11 GATE REVERB Room Size 0.1 to 10.0
An effect which abruptly cuts the tail-end of the reverberation, making
a more powerful sound.
12 REVERSE GATE Room Size 0.1 to 10.0 A reverse-playback type early reflection.
13 TREMOLO LFO 0 to 39.7 Hz An effect which cyclically modulates the volume.
14 SINGLE DELAY Delay 0 to 743.0 ms Monaural delay adding a delayed signal.
15 DYNA FILTER Sensitivity 0 to 127 An effect which applies a low pass filter.
16 PITCH CHANGE Pitch –12 to +12 An effect which changes the pitch of the signal.
No. Program Parameter Range Descriptions
1 HALL 2 Reverb Time 0.3 to 10.0 s Reverb simulating a large space such as a concert hall.
2 ROOM 2 Reverb Time 0.3 to 3.2 s Reverb simulating the acoustics of a small space (room).
3 PLATE 2 Reverb Time 0.3 to 10.0 s
Simulation of a metal-plate reverb unit, producing a more hard-edged
4 LARGE STAGE 2 Reverb Time 0.3 to 10.0 s Reverb simulating a large stage.
5 SMALL STAGE 2 Reverb Time 0.3 to 10.0 s Reverb simulating a small stage.
6 VOCAL ECHO Delay 30.0 to 743.0 ms Echo designed for conventional vocals.
7 KARAOKE Delay 40.0 to 265.0 ms Echo designed for karaoke (sing-along) applications.
8 DELAY Delay 20.0 to 743.0 ms Feedback delay adding multiple delayed signals.
9 CHORUS LFO Freq 0 to 39.7 Hz Creates a thicker sound by modulating the delay time.
10 PHASER LFO Freq 0 to 8.08 Hz Cyclically changes the phase to add modulation to the sound.
11 FLANGER LFO Freq 0 to 8.08 Hz Adds a feeling of pitched sound.
12 SYMPHONIC LFO Depth 0 to 127 Multiplies the sound for thicker texture.
13 DOUBLER Pitch Fine 0 to 50 cent
Creates the effect of two voices or two instruments singing or playing
the same phrase.
14 AUTO WAH LFO Freq 0 to 8.41 Hz A wah-wah effect in which the the frequency is modulated by LFO.
15 DISTORTION Drive 0 to 63 Adds a sharp-edged distortion to the sound.
16 RADIO VOICE Cutoff Offset 0 to 63
Recreates the lo-fi sound of an AM radio. The parameter adjusts the
frequency band to be emphasized.