Extraction (Ducted)
The cooker hood is more effective when installed in the
extraction mode (ducted to the outside).
Venting kits may be purchased through your retailer
or DIY store or using the enclosed form, and must be
evacuated through an outside vent of ø125 (5ins) or
ø150mm (6ins).
The ducting used must be manufactured from fire
retardent material conforming to the relevant British
Standard or DIN 4102-B1.
When the cooker hood is ducted to the outside the
charcoal fi lter must be removed.
Fitting the Ducting
• Fit the ø150mm (6ins) ducting to the spigot on
top of the hood body as illustrated.
• When using ø125mm (5ins) ducting fi t item 9
and 10 on to the spigot on the top of the hood
body as illustrated.
• For the best performance use the shortest
possible run of ducting and we recommend the
use of rigid pipe in preference to fl exible hose
as this will improve the fl ow of air while reducing
turbulence, which causes causes noise and a
loss of performance.
• If the room where the cooker hood is to be used
contains a fuel burning appliance such as a
central heating boiler, then its fl ue must be be of
the room sealed or balanced fl ue type.
• If other types of fl ue or appliances are fi tted
ensure that there is an adequate supply of air to
the room.
• The cooker ducting when fi tted in the
evacuation mode must never be connected to
central heating fl ues, radiators or water heaters.
Recirculation Mode
The cooker hood is supplied specifi ed for use in the
recirculation mode, with the charcoal fi lter fi tted.
In the recirculation mode contaminated air is passed
through the charcoal fi lter to be purifi ed and recirculated
into the kitchen through the grille outlets on either side
of the chimney.
• Push fi t the air outlet connector item 15 onto onto
the air outlet.
• Ensure the activated charcoal fi lter has been fi tted.
ø 125
ø 150