
44 E1442A Application Examples Chapter 2
How to Scan Scanning Form C switch channels consists of closing a set of channels
(connecting NO to C) one channel at a time. Single scan, multiple
($50&281W to $50&281W) scans, or continuous ,1,7&217)
scanning modes are available. See the command reference in Chapter 3
for more information on these commands. Table 2-1 shows a number of
SCPI commands that relate to scanning.
Reset Conditions At power-on or following the reset of the module (567 command), all 64
channels are open (common connected to the normally closed terminal).
In addition, after a 567 command the current scan channel list is
invalidated. Table 2-2 lists the parameters and default values following
power-on or reset.
Command Description
ARM:COUNt Sets the number of scanning cycles per INIT
INIT Begins scanning (required).
INIT:CONTinuous ON Selects continuous scanning (optional).
Selects Trig Out port (optional).
OUTPut:STATe Enables/disables Trig Out signal (optional).
SCAN Defines channels to be scanned (required).
TRIG Advances to next channel in scan list (required if
using HOLD or BUS trigger sources).
TRIGger:SOURce Sets the trigger source for scan advance (optional).
Parameter Default Description
ARM:COUNt 1 Number of scanning cycles is one.
TRIGger:SOURce IMM Will advance scanning cycles
INITiate:CONTinuous OFF Number of scanning cycles is set by
OUTPut:[:STATe] OFF Trigger output from EXT, TTL or ECL
sources is disabled.
Channel State All 64 channels are open (channels 00 - 63).
Channel list from
6&$1 command
(after 567)
Current channel list is invalidated following a reset
of the module with the 567 command.