80 E1442A Command Reference Chapter 3
TRIGger:SOURce <source> specifies the trigger source to advance the
scanning channel list.
Enabling the Trigger Source: The TRIGger:SOURce command only
selects the trigger source. The INIT[:IMMediate] command enables the
trigger source. The trigger source must be selected using the
TRIGger:SOURce command before executing the INIT command.
One Trigger Input Selected at a Time: Only one input (ECLTrg 0 or 1;
TTLTrg 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7; or EXTernal) can be selected at one time.
Enabling a different trigger source will automatically disable the active
input. For example, if TTLTrg1 is the active input, and TTLTrg4 is
enabled, TTLTrg1 will become disabled and TTLTrg4 will become the
active input.
Using the TRIG command: You can use the TRIGger[:IMMediate]
command to advance the scan when TRIGger:SOURce BUS or
TRIGger:SOURce HOLD is selected.
Using External Trigger Inputs: With TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal
selected, only one switchbox at a time can use the external trigger input
at the E1406 Command Module Trig In port.
Using TTL or ECL Trigger Bus Inputs: These triggers are from the VXI
backplane trigger lines ECL[0,1] and TTL[0-7]. These may be used to
trigger the SWITCH driver from other VXI instruments.
Using EXTernal | TTLTrgn | ECLTrgn Trigger Inputs: After using
TRIGger:SOURce EXT | TTLTn| ECLTn, the selected trigger source
remains assigned to the SWITCH driver until it is relinquished through
use of the TRIG:SOUR BUS|HOLD command. While the trigger is in use
by the SWITCH driver, no other drivers operating on the E1406
Command Module will have access to that particular trigger source.
Name Type Range of Values
BUS discrete *TRG command
EXTernal discrete Trig in port
HOLD discrete Hold triggering
ECLTrgn numeric n = 0 or 1
TTLTrgn numeric n = 0 thru 7
IMMediate discrete Immediate triggering