Language Dictionary - 6
int cfSetGroup(CF_HANDLE server, char *name, int start, int size);
Defines a group of cells by specifying a starting cell number and the total number of cells in the
group. Name is a null terminated character string that serves to identify the group. Once the
group has been created, a handle can be obtained using cfOpenGroup for subsequent control with
API functions. Groups are volatile and disappear when the ac power is turned off. The number of
characters in name must be less than CF_MAX_GROUP_NAME_LEN.
If the group name is longer than CF_MAX_GROUP_NAME_LEN - 1 characters, or if the name
is a null string, an error is returned. The size argument must be greater than 0 or an error is
int cfSetMeasLogInterval(CF_HANDLE server, int step_number, float
volt_interval, float curr_interval, float time_interval);
Sets the voltage, current, and time change criteria for causing a new measure log entry to be
written. The server argument can be either a handle to a group obtained by cfOpenGroup, or a
handle to all cells in the instrument if no groups are defined. The step_number argument can
either be an individual step number or the constant CF_ALL_STEPS to set the criteria for all
steps to the same values. Whenever a forming sequence is running (instrument state is
CF_FORMING) a measurement log entry will be made if any of the following are true:
♦ The measured cell voltage has changed by volt_interval volts since the last entry.
♦ The measured cell current has changed by curr_interval amperes since the last entry.
♦ Time_interval seconds have elapsed since the last entry.
Setting any of these values to the special value of CF_INFINITY will effectively turn off logging
based on that particular parameter.
int cfSetOutputConfig(CF_HANDLE server, int first_cell, int last_cell,
Set the configuration of an output to either CF_SET_ACTIVE or CF_SET_INACTIVE. All cells
included in the range from first_cell to last_cell are set to the requested configuration. A cell that
is set to CF_SET_INACTIVE ignores all output and forming commands. Measurements for these
cells always return the special value CF_NOT_A_NUMBER.
NOTE: This command only affects outputs that are in the Idle state. An error is generated and
the command is ignored if any cells within the specified range are not in the Idle state.