Language Dictionary - 6
int cfSetSense(CF_HANDLE server, CF_SENSE sense);
Sets voltage sense to remote or local sense. The sense argument is either CF_SENSE_REMOTE
or CF_SENSE_LOCAL. The sense setting is stored in non-volatile memory and is retained when
the ac power is off.
See Also
NOTE: The Agilent MCCD must be configured for remote voltage sensing to perform output
probe testing. No output probe tests are performed if local voltage sensing is configured.
int cfSetSenseProbeTest(CF_HANDLE server, CF_BOOLEAN on_off);
Enables or disables the automatic testing of the remote sense probe resistance. The server
argument can be either a handle to a group obtained by cfOpenGroup, or a handle to all cells in
the instrument if no groups are defined.
When this test is enabled, the instrument periodically measures the resistance of the sense probes
during a sequence, and checks for a value that is low enough to allow accurate voltage
measurements. If the probe resistance is too high and the testing is enabled, the forming sequence
will be terminated for that cell.
The instrument cannot distinguish between resistance in the sense probes and output resistance in
the cell. It will not attempt to check sense probe resistance if the output voltage and current are
not adequate to make the resistance measurement.
int cfSetSeqStep(CF_HANDLE server, int step_number, CF_SEQ_OUT out_type,
float voltage, float current, float time, float reserved);
Defines output sequence steps in terms of output regulation type, voltage limit, current limit,
time, and an argument reserved for use with future enhancements (program the unused parameter
to zero). The server argument can be either a handle to a group obtained by cfOpenGroup, or a
handle to all cells in the instrument if no groups are defined. The output regulation types are: